Sunday, September 30, 2012

31 days

For the entire month of October, I will be writing about one topic over at The Nester.
Every day I will post about the topic I've chosen.

I know I won't be the only one, but I have chosen....

PINTEREST-(click to follow me if you wanna:)

31 days of all of the great things I want to do, but never do them.
Pinterest is such a great addiction website, so I'll put those cute things to work.
Outfits, recipes, kid stuff, etc.
 Time to dust off those pins and get 'er done!

31 Days starts here:



  1. Yea! Can't wait!!!!! Love To 'PIN'!!!!

  2. Oooh fun! I'm gonna follow along!

  3. Visiting from the 31Days link up! I'm Pinterest-obsessed... aren't we all? Can't wait to follow along!

  4. I just signed up on pinterest.
