Friday, November 30, 2012


Here is a little look at this week's Instagram pics.  
 I am obsessed with Instagram.  
You should be too, then I won't feel like an addict.  

Gettin' ready for the Open House on Sunday!!!  Whoohoooo!

New favorite Gelish color in Good Gossip.

 Bless you Ella for trying to wash my car.  With your light pink mittens.

 Hello beautiful old milk containter (jug? canister?).  Thanks mom and dad K!

My new scarf. Dark grey and mustard and all is right in the world.

My Thanksgiving table.  
I took the paper chains off when we decided to light the candles.  Pooof!

 Some pretties for sale...I will be posting a ton of stuff next week. 
 If you see something you like, let me know!

I love SNL.

 I can't believe what I am watching and can't look away. 
 Makes my hobbies seem so unimportant!  ;)

My new favorite thing about Ella are the little notes she writes. 
 I will keep (or take pics and put them in a book) all of them.  

They are so funny.

Some table decor. 


This was our tree when we plugged it in.  How gorgeous.

Have a fantastic weekend.  Hug your loved ones and maybe a stranger or two...;)

1 comment:

  1. Great job today Katie!!! Pay it forward!!

    We love Ella's note!!!!!
