Friday, February 3, 2012


Happy Friday!!! A little sunshine would be nice right now.  But if you don't have any, I will provide you with some.
I have a couple Ella-isms for you to start your weekend off right.  Ella is a 4 1/2 year-old that I know...;)....and she says some extraordinary things (to me at least).

1.  Ella told me today that she wishes she had a menorah.  Then we can light the candles for 8 nights! 
We aren't Jewish, but I love this comment so much. 

2.  Mom, look at my boyfriend!  (um, saywhat?) 
What's a boyfriend Ell?
It's like a prince, but it's a boy.  See, like my teddy bear.
Yes, and that's how it will  always be.

3. I just heard her tell her friend that she's "Outta Sight".  Cool if I were raising you in the 1960's.

I'm heading to get more fabric later today.  Maybe I have a problem.  At least I'm not out on the streets.

1 comment:

Pammy said...

Oh I love Ellaisms!!! They are the best- just like Ella!!!
