Thursday, June 14, 2012

Inspiration Workshop -{Date night/Days/Trip}

I'm glad this workshop subject is when it is because I need to post some pics of our trip!  Then I will be done.  Promise...hopefully. This trip was so needed for some K/M time.  Don't trips always come at the perfect time?  Like when you are saying "I need a break!"  "I need a vacation!"  "I need some us time!" 

Well, we did it.  It was the first time I've ever gone on a work trip with M.  I pulled the trigger.  Thanks to my awesome friends, E was taken care of and I only worried for a minute or two.  It's weird, once the car pulled away from dropping me off at the airport, I was over the worrying about E and on to worrying about getting coffee. :)

We we with some awesome friends for one night.  They happened to be there at the same time.  They are always great company.  Great company to eat, drink, play slots and eat wasabi nuts with.  That's another subject.  My new wasabi addiction.

M and I spent a lot of time walking.  Walking.  Walking.  Holy cow.  You think the place you want to get to is right next door.  However-if you want to get there, you have to go thru a maze of sidewalks and people and tunnels and secret passageways to get there.  Not so much the passageways part, but it was like "Webster" getting around sometimes!  Don't even ask me what "Webster" is. 
 Here is a pic to refresh your memory.

Here are some pics of US (why do they look so dusty?) No scenery pics.  Just us.

The best part was just being us.  I love us and wouldn't trade us for anything. 

What is your favorite place for a date?

Today I'm linkin' up with Gussy for this"extraordinary" recap of our Vegas Trip (this counts as a date right?)
Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

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