Monday, September 10, 2012

11 favs we share

If you follow me on FB, you know that my mom just celebrated 13 years cancer free.
That kinda doesn't cut it for a celebration statement, but it's a daily celebration.

It got me thinking about our funny list of obsessions commonalities.
We talk about it often because it's a materialistic list. Very.
Let's take a closer look.

1. Make-up
Um, a lipstick vending machine??? Awe-some!

2. Magazines-the smell of a new magazine. Mmmmmmmm.

3. Shoes-duh

4. Coffee.
Serious Trixiegirl supporter here!

5. Planning our day around meals. Lol

6. Our phones/iPads/technology

7. Old stuff. Mom likes antiques. I like thrifting. Same diff.

8. Laughing so hard about something that happened.
But having others not know what's going on makes it wayyyy funnier.
Like this clip.

9. Candy Corn
10. Wine. In coffee mugs.
11. Music
Do you have lists like this? Tell me what is on yours!

1 comment:

Pammy said...

Katie- to start- THANK YOU for celebrating 'with' me on 13 years!! woot woot!!!!
Now onto the list-Now I have never thought of wine in a coffee mug but ..... lol
That 'HAMBURGERRRRRRR' CLIP is my favorite of all time- especially while riding in the back seat of your car and getting 'E' to do it for us- we laughed so hard that we were crying and E wouldn't stop doing 'HAMBURRRRRRGER'!!!! I DO have to play that again today.
Shoes- yes
Antiques and OLD stuff- definitely
FABRIC- oh my gosh- I LOVE fabric!!!

VG supporter!!!- JIMMY- You just have to love him- what a great sport for 'letting' the world see his Trixiegirl accessory!!!

Katie- AGAIN- you have made my day. I hope that your day is as good as mine!!!
