Sunday, July 13, 2014

A few favs

I love reading about people's fav things. Beauty products, things to make my life easier, gift ideas. Show 'em to me!

First up. Josie Marin. I love all of the products of hers that I have. Here is the newest member of the posse.

It's more of a dark bronze color. My friend Jilly P. would love this color. You can get it at Sephora.  And I'll go with you.  And get another one.

Do you ever just want a good outfit without buying new clothes? Like need an outfit now?  It's called your trusty Pinterest.

Just search whatever outfits you are looking for. I'm not kidding. I've searched "road trip outfit" or "beach outfit". You can be less specific and do it by season. Then save it to a board. You can go back and it will help inspire you when you need ideas!  Is this obvious?

Cherries. Enough said.

What are you loving lately?


Pammy said...

What am I loving lately other than YOU? PINTEREST!!!
Have you looked up 'Pentwater Outfits'?:))))

Trixiegirl said...

No but you can!
