Friday, January 16, 2015

Week in pictures

We had a busy week this week, just like most people.  I hope you all have a good Friday and weekend.  On to the show!
Yesterday was a huge sale on headbands.  I did post a bunch of ideas on my fb page.  Sometimes with so many choices, it helps to have ideas.

I know.  It looks gross.  But it is sooo good.  I am missing the spinach and garlic.  But when I make it this weekend I will have them.  Here is the recipe.


I love wrapping orders.  It's almost as fun for me as making them.  So, get ready for a pretty package when you order!

Can we have a moment of silence for all of those prom dress memories?

Yes I did.  I allow one Uptown Funk per day.  It comes at the beginning of the workout.  
Nice set-up eh. ;)


Even if you work-out in the basement, bright clearance Under Armour pants should be worn.  
$10 TJ Maxx.


Me and my girl at The Bean.  
Get the Red Feathered Hen.  Then thank me.


A new mirror and some numbers for the bathroom from a local store that I love. 


Have you had the tea on the right?  It's amazing.  I'm a addict.

From my beautiful friend Joni.  


Have a great weekend!
:) Katie

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